Be Empowered!

Women'sEmpower Nov.2 jpegDon’t Miss It! The Full Gospel Women’s International Network is coming to a city near you!

Join me on Saturday, November 2 at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, for a powerful and amazing time of impartation and empowerment!

See you there!


Hell Is No Threat!

Let me encourage you.

There is absolutely nothing that you cannot overcome. Settle this in your mind; you come from God. You have been born of His thoughts, and His dreams. You are His. The totality of who you are, issues, propensities and idiosyncrasies all belong to Him.

He loves you.  But what does that mean? Well, let me tell you.

1 John 4: 4 says this:

Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.

The overcoming power of God resides on the inside of you! He has called you the victor. He has announced before the foundation of this world, who and what you should become. Long before He set the expanse of heaven in its place, His love was set on you. Jesus said to “…be of good cheer; for I have overcome the world.”

It doesn’t matter what you’re facing or what you’re currently experiencing. Know this: Hell is no threat! Hell cannot derail, detract or distract you from the purposes of God for your life. GOD IS A WINNER! So since you are his royal offspring, that makes you a winner as well. Do not allow the adversary to make you believe he has more power than he’s been allotted. We must know that God is the ultimate power. He rules and super-rules. He is above all power. In fact, He IS power. This week, I want you to earnestly remember this: Hell is no threat!

Much love,

Mother Judy Hines

Who’s Watching the Baby?

4910126110_babies2010_answer_2_xlargeHave you ever heard the old Mother’s in Zion tell a young woman: “Tend to your baby!” At the time, the baby may have been crying or may need to be changed and fed. When a child is born, they must be nurtured, developed and cared for at all times. An infant requires, and at times, demands all your time and full attention. New parents know full well that they may or may not get a hot shower when a new baby comes into their lives.

Friends, so it is with our dreams, visions, assignments and mandates from God! If you don’t remember anything else after reading this, remember: you cannot afford to leave your “baby” with any and everyone. God has given you a dream. He’s downloaded into your spirit His purpose and plan for you life. He has given you His vision.

The development, care and responsibility for said dream, just like a newborn, falls to you. The Lord in His Sovereignty, has placed within you the skill ability and the fortitude to bring the Baby to full and complete development and maturity. You may have to try different kinds of formula. The Baby may not be able to digest the mother’s milk. You’ll need to try different methods to see what will work as you nurture the Baby.


Let me encourage you. My friend, you are the facilitator of the dream God has given. You will be consumed with the dream as a newborn consumes your every waking moment. Listen, birthing is an individual process. People can cheer you, coach you, even breathe along with you as you squeeze their fingers ever so tightly. Even if by chance you don’t want the baby, you must still give birth. You have to deliver.

Never leave you dream unattended. Be watchful over that which God has entrusted in to your hands! Tend to your Baby!


Thoughts & Words


Thoughts are to us what gasoline is to a car. If a car runs out of gas then it does not move. It is safe to say that gas controls the movement of the car. Your thoughts are so powerful that they can shape you into action or bring you to a screeching halt. Negative thoughts breed negative words, negative activity and negative results. The Good Book tells us that as a man thinks so is he. Our minds must go through a mental metamorphosis. Let me suggest a mental health spa. This is a time of exhaling negative, unproductive thoughts and meditating on good, pure wholesome thoughts. Go ahead. Try it. I’m sure you can do it.

 You will find that you’ll say what it is you are thinking. Words are one of the most powerful things on the planet. When used the wrong way they can damage and destroy. They can be used as a destructible force or a force to build. When managed properly our words can create a better environment and as a result a better life for you that will extend beyond you into the community and the world. What an impact! Words have the power to push a person to destiny. They can empower and produce a smile as bright as the sunshine. Well, there you have it. That’s a thought folks. Words that are powerful enough to produce sunshine. I believe in you, and I believe you can do it, but what do you think?


Testimonies: Trunda

Mother Hines,

I thank God for using you in my life for the past two weeks. I joined the (40 Day) Mind Fast at the end but was still blessed. God toasted opposition in my life on three different occasions. The first one was with my living arrangements.  I found out that my landlord wasn’t paying the mortgage.  I asked her about it in which she denied. A week later she told me I had to move. I read  the word that week, which was about opposition and how it ushers you into destiny and higher anointing with God. I heard the Holy Spirit say to write on the letter the landlord sent me” no weapon formed against you shall prosper.” I obeyed.

Three days later she called me told me that she did foreclosure on the building but since she claimed bankruptcy the proceedings didn’t go thru as of yet. Not only did the truth come out, she dropped my rent in half until the building is sold to a new landlord!!

Thank you for being obedient and sharing what God has given you.



Sweet Inspirations Family!

We recently celebrated our 4th year of The Sweet Inspirations with Mother Judy Hines! The Lord has blessed us tremendously and I wanted to take this time out to thank each of you for your faithfulness! You have remained diligent in calling everyday, Monday through Friday to hear what the Lord is saying to His people in this hour.

Words will not adequately express my gratitude and thanks not only to God, but to you all as well. You have prayed, encouraged, and given of your time and resources to advance the Kingdom of God, and I am eternally grateful!

Be sure to stay connect via Facebook, email, Twitter and the Sweet Inspirations text blast. The is the season that the people of God are taking over! Stay tuned for ministry updates and projects. Stay in the mode of celebration because God is doing His best work in you and through you in this hour!

Much love,


The Leader in You: Faithfulness

The absolute bottom line for leadership today is faithfulness.

There are three areas in which our faithfulness is tested: in small things, in another man’s house, and thirdly in natural things. We must remain faithful in everything we do. Today, we often see men and women of God contending for the favor of men rather than the favor of the Lord. Whatever we do, be it in word or deed, must be done as unto the Lord.

Never do anything to get the attention of people. Only God can validate you!

Faithfulness is a progressive work. God honors a person that uses his or her ability to the fullest. We must learn to serve with our whole heart. The Lord will see to it that you are increased as you are faithful.

While we cannot serve to only be recognized, God will use a person to recognize you and increase your authority. Never serve half-heartedly while you’re waiting on someone else to see your potential. Jesus is the ultimate example of what it means to be steady in allegiance and loyal to the Father. There has NEVER been a time in the life of Christ in which He could not be trusted. Ever.

Delegated authority is granted and will only come when you do what has been assigned to you. Work the assignment that has been handed to you. Understand that faithfulness will not always readily be noticed by them that you serve. But faithfulness lived out before the Lord will consistently be rewarded!

Remain steadfast, Children. Your job this week is to keep your heart pure before the Lord as you serve the Lord.

God is always mindful of you!

Draw Near

This is what God is saying:

“I AM training you in steadiness. Too many things interrupt your awareness of Me. I know that you live in a world of sight and sound. But you must NOT be a SLAVE to those sounds. Awareness of Me can continue in all circumstances no matter what. This is the steadiness I desire for your life. Don’t let unexpected events throw you off course; respond calmly & confidently. Know that I AM with you. As soon as something grabs your attention, talk with me about it. Thus, I share your joys & problems. I help you cope with whatever is before you. This is how I live in you & work in you. This is the way of peace.”


Stinking Thinking

Friends, now more than ever we need to keep our minds renewed with the Word of God. His word is our defence and our final authority. It is with and through His word that we can know the mind, will and heart of the Father. With His word, we can frame the kind of world we want to see. All we have to do is speak what He has already spoken.
Many times in or walk with God we become anxious and fretful because that which we are seeking God for does not manifest like we think it should. Consider this: I believe the lack of manifestation can be traced back to wrong thinking & wrong thoughts. We must not be anxious for anything. God is not absent. Rather, He is very much aware of every fine detail in and for your life. Remember, He begins with the end at the forefront of His mind.
Proverbs 23:7 states: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” You must understand that what you think can either sabotage or bless your life. When we think wrong thoughts, it distorts our perception of everything. We begin to misread and misinterpret the workings  and moving of the Holy Ghost when our thought life is out of whack. Any thought that is contrary to the word of God is an illegal thought. It comes to detract, derail and deter. As a result, we often take our eyes off the Word and act irrationally. In essence, we panic.
When we panic, we are attempting to surmise the Word based on what we see. Your situation does not interpret the WORD; the word must dictate to your situation! Do not fret: anxiety is an emotional mental thought that results in wrong thinking & wrong actions. We must adjust the way we think. We must get His mind, see as He sees and think like He thinks.
Kenneth Hagin said this: “People who think wrong will believe wrong.”
We must trust the God of our salvation! Align yourselves with the word of God. Come under the Mind of Christ. Know HIS thoughts and His heart through His word! Let’s captivate every thought that is not like God. We have the Mind of Christ! Enhance your life by taking God at His word. Trust Him and get rid of the stinking thinking!

Psalm 92

God is setting precedence in our lives and you’re going to see what is happens when the saints stop and pause and remember to keep God on our minds. Watch what takes place when we give Him praise continually and perpetually throughout the day. It is phenomenal!

Psalm 92 is absolutely beautiful. It’s a song for the Sabbath Day:

 It is a good and delightful thing to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises [with musical accompaniment] to Your name, O Most High,  To show forth Your loving-kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night…”

When you give God praise and thanksgiving you are a witness of His loving kindness early in the morning and His faithfulness by night.  In the morning His loves wakes us up; in the evening His faithfulness keeps us out of harm’s way and allows us to get a good night’s rest. His love allows us to lay down in peace; allows us to be protected during the night and gives us our blanket of security around the world. He’s better than anything the military can give us. It gives us what guns and weapons cannot do for us. Oh, how His love sustains us!

We have been obedient to what God told us to do and He’s going to bless, to anoint and to breakthrough because of our level of obedience to give Him continual thanksgiving coming up from the earth realm. It has been a sweet aroma in the nostrils of God, because we have faith. We have believed God and taken Him at His word and now we shall see the great things that God has had on His mind concerning us before the foundation of the world. We have met the requirements and God is going to show you what happens when we fulfill His wish and His vision. Watch Him open His treasury to us. Expect His best blessing in this season! Your praise has qualified you to flourish like a palm tree. Your best days are here! Bless HIM!

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The Sweet Spot



From Mother's Desk-- It is my job to inspire others to take the next step, move forward, to advance via the word of God, inspiration and motivation. I can not allow one to sit on the sidelines and drown in the seas of desperation, depression, suppression, and oppression. Life is a gift and is to be celebrated, not tolerated.

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