
Prophetic Prayer & Leadership Summit

Join us for this powerful time of impartation! Prophetic Summit Flier copy

Listen again and get this in your spirit, as Pastor Veronica Knight ministers on “Praise is a Weapon!” 

Be encouraged! Use your weapons against the adversary and advance the Kingdom of God!



And he [Abram] believed in (trusted in, relied on, remained steadfast to) the Lord, and He counted it to him as righteousness (right standing with God). Genesis 15:6, AMP

Right now, in this moment of your life, you are in right standing with God. There is nothing more that you can do, there is nothing else you have to do other than maintain your relationship with Him. Many Believers today think they have to earn the love of God, thus causing performance-based actions within the Kingdom.

As it was in the life of Abraham, so it is with you; just believe God. You have been aligned with the God of the universe. How great is that?!  In the Kingdom of God, relationship is key. In fact, it’s everything. In order to place your trust in another and be comfortable enough to rely wholly upon them, their character and their word, you MUST be in relationship. Understand who you are and more importantly, who’s you are.

Know that you abide and reside in a place of dominion rest. Your position IN Him releases and frees you to move and operate FOR Him.

Got relationship?

Psalm 63

God—you’re my God!
I can’t get enough of you!Image
I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God,
traveling across dry and weary deserts.

So here I am in the place of worship, eyes open, 

drinking in your strength and glory.

In your generous love I am really living at last!
My lips brim praises like fountains.
I bless you every time I take a breath;
My arms wave like banners of praise to you.

I eat my fill of prime rib and gravy;

I smack my lips. It’s time to shout praises!

If I’m sleepless at midnight,
I spend the hours in grateful reflection.
Because you’ve always stood up for me,
I’m free to run and play.
I hold on to you for dear life,

and you hold me steady as a post.

David is completely committed to the God that has created him! His praise is reserved soley for God and God alone! We must understand that praise is always appropriate. We must be after the heart of God as was David. Commune with God in the morning. Get still before Him before we get busy and distracted. Our focus must be time in the presence of the Lord. In His presence we find divine favor, divine love and divine joy! Make this your priority–time with the Father. Bless Him while you live & have your being! 

His love is on you! Praise His name!

Dream Big!

What have you imagined? How large is the dream of your life?

God has predestined you for greatness! You have no other choice except to be great. The life-force of God Himself is working within you even now. So, again I ask, what is your dream? What do you see? 

In this hour, you are the master and steward of what God has placed in your spirit. Because there will be those who don’t believe in your dream, you must be mindful of the people around you. Incubate the baby and ensure a germ free environment. Your dream must be protected, nurtured and cared for. Know and understand that your God-given dream will come to pass, but you are not without responsibility.

Remember now, that you are responsible for overseeing the vision. Everyone will NOT be happy for you. Make sure those in your immediate circle are positive and encouraging as a dream will not and cannot survive in negativity. It cannot survive your negativity.

If need be, cut away the naysayers and doomsday prophets! Remove them from your life. Guard the dream! Cultivate the vision!

Your dream is fastly becoming your now. Dont give up. Don’t give in. Don’t give out. God can and must be trusted even more during this time of your life. You are the master of the dream that has been downloaded to you. Watch for the dream killers. Stay away from those who attempt to usurp the joy from this experience. Keep a praise on your lips and trust God to peform His word! 

Thank You!

I wanted to take this time to say thank you to all of my Sweet Inspirations Family for your love, calls and support during this time.
Words will never adequately express my heartfelt appreciation for each and every prayer you’ve prayed, for each text and for all the shout outs via social media.
Please know that my family and I love each of you so very, very much!

Blessings & love to everyone!

The Meaning of 2014


Hear the word of the Lord! 

Don’t Quit

God is moving!

2075_ENDURE-4x3-600x350You cannot even consider giving up in this season. Heaven is ready to perform on your behalf! There are millions depending on the greatness locked up on the inside of you. Come out of that stupor. Get up from the place of depression and suppression. Know that all things are subject to you. Nothing can hinder the process and movement of God in your life.

It is imperative to know exactly who you are in the economy of God. Saints, when you understand who are, your focus shifts, your attitude changes and there is a boldness that wells up within you.


We’ve talked in the past two weeks about Dokimazo power, which is the ability to endure process, testing, suffering and hardship, facilitated by God Himself. Many in the Body today hate to go through anything.  We often give up, cave in and quit at the first sight of trial. We don’t want to endure hardness. Know that testing proves us before the presence of God. When you appropriate dokimazo, it authenticates your faith.

Children, you may be in the thick of fire right now, but don’t quit! Embrace the process God is using to determine your genuineness. Sustain the test through the grace of God. He is faithful, right in the middle of your trouble. Endure. Persevere. He’s with you!

Don’t quit!

The Refiner’s Fire

When a silversmith melts silver, he puts it in a pot. He increases the heat over time until the alloyed metals called dross, bubble to the surface. Under his watchful care, he takes his ladle and scrapes and scoops the impurities from the silver.

Every person will have a smelting period or season in their life. Keep in mind that you are not merely silver when the dross is removed; rather, you are silver the moment he placed you in the fire. That last statement was a good spot to shout! The fire is designed to rid you of those things that hinder your growth, maturity and advancement in God.

Friends, do not resist that which God is using to prove you. When the silver is in the smelting process, it doesn’t attempt to get out of the pot: it simply takes the HEAT! The Lord knows exactly what to do to propel you towards your destiny. Your proving process is necessary for your next level. In fact, Malachi 3 says, “He sits as a refiner of silver…” Here’s the glory behind it: just as you are seated in the middle of the fire where the flames are hottest, He is looking over in to the silver to ensure that the temperature is just right and that the silver is not destroyed in that fire. When it’s over, He will see His reflection in you!

God is acquainted with the heat of the fire!

Beloved, do not resist Him. The fire, the test, and the suffering is proving us to God and proving God to us! All of this has to do with his love for us. If we never go through, we wouldn’t be able to testify of His goodness and His ability to keep and deliver us.

Remember: the fire is removing from your life that which keeps you bound. Live free!

Much love,


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From Mother's Desk-- It is my job to inspire others to take the next step, move forward, to advance via the word of God, inspiration and motivation. I can not allow one to sit on the sidelines and drown in the seas of desperation, depression, suppression, and oppression. Life is a gift and is to be celebrated, not tolerated.

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