Don’t Quit

God is moving!

2075_ENDURE-4x3-600x350You cannot even consider giving up in this season. Heaven is ready to perform on your behalf! There are millions depending on the greatness locked up on the inside of you. Come out of that stupor. Get up from the place of depression and suppression. Know that all things are subject to you. Nothing can hinder the process and movement of God in your life.

It is imperative to know exactly who you are in the economy of God. Saints, when you understand who are, your focus shifts, your attitude changes and there is a boldness that wells up within you.


We’ve talked in the past two weeks about Dokimazo power, which is the ability to endure process, testing, suffering and hardship, facilitated by God Himself. Many in the Body today hate to go through anything.  We often give up, cave in and quit at the first sight of trial. We don’t want to endure hardness. Know that testing proves us before the presence of God. When you appropriate dokimazo, it authenticates your faith.

Children, you may be in the thick of fire right now, but don’t quit! Embrace the process God is using to determine your genuineness. Sustain the test through the grace of God. He is faithful, right in the middle of your trouble. Endure. Persevere. He’s with you!

Don’t quit!

The Sweet Spot



From Mother's Desk-- It is my job to inspire others to take the next step, move forward, to advance via the word of God, inspiration and motivation. I can not allow one to sit on the sidelines and drown in the seas of desperation, depression, suppression, and oppression. Life is a gift and is to be celebrated, not tolerated.

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