Dream Big!

What have you imagined? How large is the dream of your life?

God has predestined you for greatness! You have no other choice except to be great. The life-force of God Himself is working within you even now. So, again I ask, what is your dream? What do you see? 

In this hour, you are the master and steward of what God has placed in your spirit. Because there will be those who don’t believe in your dream, you must be mindful of the people around you. Incubate the baby and ensure a germ free environment. Your dream must be protected, nurtured and cared for. Know and understand that your God-given dream will come to pass, but you are not without responsibility.

Remember now, that you are responsible for overseeing the vision. Everyone will NOT be happy for you. Make sure those in your immediate circle are positive and encouraging as a dream will not and cannot survive in negativity. It cannot survive your negativity.

If need be, cut away the naysayers and doomsday prophets! Remove them from your life. Guard the dream! Cultivate the vision!

Your dream is fastly becoming your now. Dont give up. Don’t give in. Don’t give out. God can and must be trusted even more during this time of your life. You are the master of the dream that has been downloaded to you. Watch for the dream killers. Stay away from those who attempt to usurp the joy from this experience. Keep a praise on your lips and trust God to peform His word! 

Don’t Quit

God is moving!

2075_ENDURE-4x3-600x350You cannot even consider giving up in this season. Heaven is ready to perform on your behalf! There are millions depending on the greatness locked up on the inside of you. Come out of that stupor. Get up from the place of depression and suppression. Know that all things are subject to you. Nothing can hinder the process and movement of God in your life.

It is imperative to know exactly who you are in the economy of God. Saints, when you understand who are, your focus shifts, your attitude changes and there is a boldness that wells up within you.


We’ve talked in the past two weeks about Dokimazo power, which is the ability to endure process, testing, suffering and hardship, facilitated by God Himself. Many in the Body today hate to go through anything.  We often give up, cave in and quit at the first sight of trial. We don’t want to endure hardness. Know that testing proves us before the presence of God. When you appropriate dokimazo, it authenticates your faith.

Children, you may be in the thick of fire right now, but don’t quit! Embrace the process God is using to determine your genuineness. Sustain the test through the grace of God. He is faithful, right in the middle of your trouble. Endure. Persevere. He’s with you!

Don’t quit!

The God Who Sees Ahead

His attributes are innumerable!

He is Jehovah-Jireh. God the provider and Giver of daily bread. He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.  There is not, nor will there ever be, a shortage in Heaven’s treasury. We need to understand that He is not going to, but God is supplying our every need. There is a Kingdom answer to every need that we have and it is found in the scriptures. Philippians says that nothing escapes His sight. His very heart is for you. God is a Father and it is intrinsic for Him to meet you at the point of your need.

In other words, He’s got this. And you.

He is in control, so you can relax and simply praise! Responding with adoration to God lets the enemy know that you are not worried about what he’s doing. Giving God praise will drown out the chatter of the enemy’s camp. Because of your praise, you are focused, your mind is set and your heart is fixed. You know unequivocally that God’s got it.  This is the reason we praise; we can praise in the midst of adversity because we know that God is the Master of Orchestration. God has our best interest at heart and we are in the forefront of His mind. Friends, we know the outcom–we are going to win. Won’t you agree with God about your place and position in Him? We are winners!

Settle this in your mind once and for all: He sees all, knows all, and nothing will ever be able to get by Him. Be strengthened and encouraged!

Jehovah Jireh literally means God who sees ahead. I know we say it means our Provider, but catch the deeper meaning. He is the God who sees ahead.  He knew your daily needs ahead of all time. Selah. Before He set one star in place, God was aware of your need. He has made provision in advance for all of your need. Rejoice! God, who sees ahead, knows what is coming way down the road and He’s already got it under control. You don’t have to sweat it, you don’t have to faint and you don’t have to be weary. God has it all under control. Chill out. Relax. Rest in His love. Take a pause and bless His name!

Won’t you trust the God who sees ahead? After all, He is already waiting for you in your future!

Much love,


GOD: Out of Your Box

God is cutting edge!

The Father is challenging us to see Him in a different way. He’s challenging us to receive of Him in a different way. In no way we can say that we know absolutely everything there is to know about God. After all, He’s great! He is about to throw a monkey wrench in our thoughts as it relates to who He is. Here comes the curve ball to our theology! He is preparing to lower us into a dimension of His presence and power that we have yet to experience. Get ready for God on another level!

Starting now, allow the Father to uncover Himself to you. Take the time to turn aside and see Him with clarity. He is so vast and immeasurable until He has to reveal His nature little by little lest we be overcome by His pristine glory.

Ladies and gentlemen, God is climbing out of your box!

You must understand that He is more than your experience, He is more than what you think you know about Him. God is a Revealer! He is showcasing His strength, and expressing Himself in the earth and to His people.

Moses asked God, appealed to Him even, to see Him in a new way. Up until that time, he only knew the Lord by His voice, by the pillar and the cloud. He had experienced the hand of the Lord in many miracles, watched Him deliver the Israelites time and time again. But even Moses sensed that there was more of the Lord to see and to know. Moses wanted to know God’s way, His workings, His thought process. As intimate as He and God were; talking with Him mouth to mouth, the visible glory on his face, the exhibition of His mighty arm, Moses wanted to see the glory of God.

He writes:

And the Lord said to Moses, I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found favor, loving-kindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by name. And Moses said, I beseech You, show me Your glory. And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place beside Me, and you shall stand upon the rock, And while My glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away My hand and you shall see My back…” Exodus 33:17-23

Can you even fathom the manifested, visible glory of God Almighty passing in front of you?! Needless to say, the prophet’s life was changed forever. Friends, how do you see God? Is He confined to your religious experience? Is He simply the God of your grandparents? Saints, dust the lid off of your experience with God. He is ready to show you the secrets of His covenant. It will take a new level of faith and trust to release your life into the hands of God. Don’t you want a new awareness of God? Take the challenge. Embark upon the new adventure that the Holy Ghost has been wooing and courting you to join. There is so much more…

Imagine the new joys, new dimensions in your life when you take God out of your box!

With Great Joy,


The Tsunami Wave of Blessing

I know we all have witnessed the awesome, natural power of a tsunami in recent years. We will never forget what happened in Indonesia and Japan. The sheer force of the tower of water engulfs anything within its path, causing significant damage. Ironically, in the Japanese language, tsunami mean harbor wave. A harbor is place on the coast where vessels come to find shelter from rough waters. Tsunamis are caused by the down drop or upthrust of the Earth’s crust which results in an earthquake; a large-scale undersea landslide or a submarine volcanic eruption. Somebody say “shifting!”

In other words, a SHIFT of epic proportions has taken place!

The Lord has released His word and a tsunami wave of His glory has hit the earth and it has come with a blessing! With that surge of glory and goodness, God has packed it full of what we’ve been waiting for, but we must make the necessary adjustments.

In the natural, the climate and changing weather patterns often indicate when a tsunami could be imminent. Shifting tectonic plates and submarine volcanic activity release this towering deluge of unstoppable water. So it is in the Spirit. Friends, the climate in our lives is changing! How’s your spiritual climate?

I stand as your prophetic weather forecaster to declare to you that you must prepare for this wave. The Lord is riding in on the crest of this tsunami and all of Heaven is with Him! The ministering angels and the war angels are among us as this is the hour of His visitation. He has come in strength! He has comes in power! Are you ready?

Let Mother help you: Tie up the loose ends. Release all bitterness, anger and malice. Get rid of unforgiveness. Be sure your heart is clean. Go to your brothers and sisters and get it right. Get it straight! You do not want miss God in this hour!

He has come to see about His children and He will demonstrate His amazing power and glory! In the very same way that the tsunami came on the earth and wrought devastation, God is doing the same thing with His glory! The harbor wave of His glory and splendor will overtake us. It will not come with devastation, but it’s here to bring the blessing!

Get ready for the Wave of His glory!

Much love,


Overcomer’s Day!

Children, this is what we’re going to do today–

So, this morning get up, shake it off, put the remote control down, get up out of the bed, get up off the couch; you’re not going to be a couch potato today! We are going to get up this morning and get going! Today is the day we find out that we have what it takes to stay in the race! Hang in there and not give up! I’ll say it again: We are going to stay in the race! Why? Because you have overcome and you’re champion! We can do this because there is no failure in God. He is inspiring you to get moving. It’s time for everybody on to walk towards your destiny; to be moving into your predestined position in Him.  There is a place by God with your name on it and you will get there!

Get to stepping…

Much Love,


Welcome to The Sweet Spot

Moving Toward The Promise

It is my job to inspire others to take the next step, move forward, to advance via the word of God, inspiration and motivation. I can not allow one to sit on the sidelines and drown in the seas of desperation, depression, suppression, and oppression. Life is a gift and is to be celebrated, not tolerated.

With God-Sized Love,


The Sweet Spot



From Mother's Desk-- It is my job to inspire others to take the next step, move forward, to advance via the word of God, inspiration and motivation. I can not allow one to sit on the sidelines and drown in the seas of desperation, depression, suppression, and oppression. Life is a gift and is to be celebrated, not tolerated.

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